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  • Dobrynina V, Stonis JR, Diškus A, Solis A, Baryshnikova SV, Shin Y-M. Global Nepticulidae, Opostegidae, and Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera): temporal dynamics of species descriptions and their authors. Zootaxa. 2022;5099:450-474. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5099.4.2
  • Stonis JR, Diškus A, Remeikis A, Solis A. The American Brachinepticula gen. nov. and Manoneura Davis (Nepticulidae): a new generic concept based on a reinforced cathrema in the phallus. Biologija. 2018;64. doi:10.6001/biologija.v64i2.3735
  • Stonis JR, Robinson G. A review of the Central and South American Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) with special reference to Belize. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Entomology), 69 (1): 1 - 92. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum Entomology. 2000;69:1-114.